In the morning I spent half a day birding around some popular lakes in eastern Larimer County and SW Loveland area. My first stop was Timnath Reservoir. Driving towards the lake on the SW side I found a female Mountain Bluebird for one of the first birds at the location. Still a lot of birds around including lots of Franklin's and Bonaparte's Gulls. I then went to the NE side and found a field full of American Pipits. At the outlet on the County Line Road hosted a bunch of blackbirds including a number of Yellow-headed Blackbirds and Great-tailed Grackle.
Mountain Bluebird
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Great-tailed Grackle
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird
American Coot
Pied-billed Grebe
Ring-necked Duck
American Pipit
Horned Lark
The next stop was a Kechter Pit where immediately picked up on a Great Egret (172) standing next to a Great Blue Heron. Also there was a number of Red-breasted Mergansers mixed in with some Common and Hooded.
Great Egret
I then went to Fossil Creek Reservoir. Here I found a really neat looking Canada Goose it was either partially albino or a hybrid with a Snow Goose. I also saw a Tree Swallow at a nest box, which looked like it was getting it ready for a female. Five species of grebes were still present.
Probable Canada Goose x Snow Goose Hybrid
Probable Canada Goose x Snow Goose Hybrid
Song Sparrow
Tree Swallow
I then went to Duck Lake. Here the Trumpeter Swan continues, but didn't see anything else of interest.
Again nothing of interest at Donath, Horseshoe, Lake Loveland, or the Cattail Pond area. I most interesting part of the Cattail Pond area is the flooded fields. They look like they could host a number of shorebirds or ibis within the next few weeks if they stay this way. In one of the fields I was able to see 2 Wilson's Snipe and 2 Say's Phoebes. In another field there was good numbers of Yellow-headed Blackbirds and Great-tailed Grackles.
Wilson's Snipe
The 2 Osprey were still on the nest pole on Namaqua Road as 7 Turkey Vultures were flying around.
Turkey Vulture
On my way to work in the afternoon I decided to go check out Duck Lake again. This time things had changed. The swan was still there, but what showed up was the 2 Black-necked Stilts I saw the day before and a Marbled Godwit (173) had joined them. I called Cade Cropped and he was able to get there and see them before I had to leave for work. We both went over to Kechter Pit and refound the Great Egret before I had to make a quick departure.
Black-necked Stilt
Greater Yellowlegs
Marbled Godwit
Trumpeter Swan
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