It was a very cloudy day, which meant the birds could be good. On my lunch break I went back over to Timnath Reservoir. There I saw more Franklin's Gulls in one spot than I ever have before. There were at least 500 Franklin's Gulls flying over the lake and more flying in from the east. While standing on the north east side I heard 3 Virginia Rails calling back and forth to each other in the cattails and I also heard a Ring-necked Pheasant calling at the same time. I also had a flyover Ferruginous Hawk in the same thermal as a Red-tailed Hawk.
After work I made several stops in the rain. First stop was at Kechter Pit. Here the only good bird was a Marbled Godwit being chased around by 2 Ring-billed Gulls.
Then a stop at Fossil Creek Reservoir. I immediately found a large group of about 1000 swallows flying in the distance. After carefully looking through them I found out over 90% of them were Tree Swallows. I was able to find several Northern Rough-winged, Bank, and Barn Swallows with them and one of each of Cliff and Violet-green Swallows (190). While looking through the swallows I found a Peregrine Falcon sitting at the top of a tree on the north side of the reservoir.
At Duck Lake the large shorebirds are still around. I saw 9 Black-necked Stilts, 4 American Avocets, 6 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 3 Killdeer.
Horseshoe Lake also had large numbers of Franklin's Gulls. The best bird was a very confusing gull. Nick Komar also saw it. After carefully thinking about the field marks it was probably a very worn 2nd year Thayer's Gull.
Lake Loveland held 2 Bonaparte's Gulls and a flyover Osprey.
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