Cheri Orwig and I took a trip north of Wellington today looking for Burrowing Owls and Mountain Plovers along with anything else we could find. Our first stop was Cobb Lake on the way to the Prairie Dog Colony on the County Line Road. Nothing to interesting at Cobb, but Cheri got a year bird with Yellow-headed Blackbird.
On County Line Road we found a flock of Vesper Sparrows and hanging out with it was a Brewer's Sparrow (199). The birds were flying back and forth across the County Line Road. At the Prairie Dog colony I quickly picked up on a Burrowing Owl (200) we also found a second at the same location. This was a great bird to see for Larimer County year bird 200.
On our way towards Wellington while driving on County Road 42 we found a Rock Wren (201) close to the road.
Rock Wren
Savannah Sparrow
We made a stop at Steve and Kathy Martins house. There wasn't much around in terms of migrants. A few interesting birds we saw was a continuing White-throated Sparrow, a House Wren, and 4 Great Horned Owls (2 adults, 2 owlets).
White-throated Sparrow
We then made stops at Bee Lake, North Poudre #4, Boxelder Reservoir #3, and North Poudre Reservoir #3. The only interesting bird was a continuing alternate plummage Common Loon at North Poudre #4.
We then got on County Road 9 between Owl Canyon Road and Buckeye Road. On the drive on this road we found Burrowing Owls at 3 different locations with a total of 8 individuals.
Burrowing Owl
Tree Swallow
We then went on County Road 5 from Buckeye Road to the end north of County Road 5. We ended up seeing a number of McCown's Longspurs. In one location while looking for the longspurs I saw a snake in the field acting very strange. I hurried out there with my camera and it was a Bullsnake laying eggs in a hole. There were also several Vesper Sparrows with a couple Brewer's Sparrows.
Brewer's Sparrow
Hamilton Reservoir had quite a few birds, but couldn't locate anything of interest. We also checked several fields which looks good for Mountain Plover, but never found any during the day.
Our last stop was Duck Lake, which is still producing a lot of birds. We ended up seeing 4 Killdeer, 1 Black-necked Stilt, 19 American Avocet, 16 Marbled Godwit, and 8 Wilson's Phalarope (202) along with the typical ducks.
Wilson's Phalarope
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