I decided to take a walk around Morey Wildlife Preserve and then go over to the Big Thompson Bike Trail. At Morey there were only 8 Yellow-rumped Warblers and a large flyover Cooper's Hawk was a nice add. Then on my way towards Highway 34 from Morey I stopped at the bridge going over the Big Thompson River. I immediately heard a phoebe calling, but I wasn't able to see it. It sounded more like an Eastern, but I am not going to say it wasn't a Black.
The Big Thompson Bike Trail was very birdy, so I decided to walk it from Wilson all the way to Roosevelt Ave. During the walk I saw over 200 Yellow-rumped Warblers. Immediately after I started walking I heard and then saw the first of several singing House Wrens (191). In the same bush was the first of two Lincoln's Sparrows. I then found a pair of Great Horned Owls in a thick tree. The Eastern Phoebes and Solitary Sandpiper was still at the previously described locations. Then below the diversion dam I found an Orange-crowned Warbler (192) with some Yellow-rumped. As I was getting close to Taft Ave I found an adult Broad-winged Hawk (193) sitting up in a tree. Just as I pulled up my binoculars the bird flew and quickly disappeared. Then shortly before I got to 1st St I found 3 Chipping Sparrows (194). South of 1st Street I found a couple birds of interest. The first bird I saw on the ground on the north side of the river. This Hermit Thrush (195) was the fifth year bird I saw during this walk. Then shortly after that I saw a wren hopping around, but immediately noticed it had a stub tail, but quickly disappeared. I then tried to get it in with using playback and it eventually started calling making this bird a Winter Wren.
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