Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gulling on 3/27

I met up with Nick Komar early in the morning trying to find the strange dark mantled gull. We met at Lake Loveland to find no interesting gulls present. We then went over to Horseshoe Lake with few gulls and none of interest we quickly continued to Boyd Lake. At Boyd there were a decent number of gulls on the swim beach. We were able to find an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull mixed in with the Ring-billed and California Gulls. This was an interesting Lesser Black-backed Gull as the mantle color was one of the lightest I have ever seen for this species and it almost makes one wonder if it could have been a hybrid, but no field marks could make us think that. We then went by Donath Lake to find no gulls there either. Another quick stop produced 6 Ring-billed and 2 Herring Gulls at Robert Benson Lake. We then went to the Landfill and asked at the main office if we could go in. A little wait and they decided to let us. Here we found hundreds of gulls. There were a ton of Ring-billed and California Gulls. Other gulls we saw were 3 Franklin's, 2 Herring, 2 Thayer's, and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls. While driving on Namaqua Road heading towards the Cattail Pond area I saw 2 Osprey (156) sitting on the nest platform right next to the road. Just as I was about to leave after photographing them I looked up and there was a Turkey Vulture (157) flying over Namaqua Park. In the Cattail Pond area I couldn't find anything of interest.
On my way to work I made a quick stop at Kechter Pit. The only shorebird I could find was Killdeer. I wasn't able to find any of the Blue-winged Teal, but there was a Cinnamon Teal. In the Ring-billed and Herring Gull flock I was able to find 4 Franklin's Gulls, 1 Thayer's Gull, and 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

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